If I sit back now as almost a 40 year old woman and reflect on the times throughout my life that were "weird" or situations that were strange I can tell you some juicy stories about what I now know to be Angels that intervened in times of need. I’m not talking about spirits here; I’m talking about Archangels and Guardian Angels. I have many stories I can tell you but I will start off by telling you one that was so profound I still get goosebumps thinking about it today.
Let me take you back to September 2013, pregnant of my third child. At just under 14 weeks pregnant I miscarried at home. My husband brought me into the hospital at 3am whilst family members looked after my two boys (aged 4 & 2) that were at home sleeping and getting over gastro.
Being at the hospital at that time of night was already eery in itself. I was devastated to have lost my baby, confused and numb. With a few injections of strong meds, the bleeding eased and the pain eased and I was finally able to fall asleep... sobbing.
Fast forward to the morning, at 9am I was being prepped to have a D&C (a procedure to clear out any remaining tissue left in my body from a failed pregnancy). The hardest was having to say goodbye to my husband as he went home to look after our 2 boys.
As I waited my turn to enter theatre I was placed in a cubicle. It seemed like time was going by so slowly. I had nurses in and out checking my stats; blood pressure, heart rate, taking bloods you name it. I was poked and proded. All I could do was lay there and cry and I mean ugly cry. I couldnt understand why this was happening to us, to me. I had 2 healthy boys before this and I never thought something like this could be happening to me. In walks a man. He was dressed all in white, no scrubs, but a white long lab coat and white pants. He had a clipboard; I remember his face to this day. He had a ruggered look, a rough beard but neatly shaped. He looked at his papers and then up at me. He came and stood near my right shoulder and said “Emilia everything is going to be alright”. I stopped crying. He held my right hand and said "They’re going to look after you here, you are going to be alright". I remember taking a big breath in and back out and I was suddenly calm. I couldn’t speak I felt present in that moment but I could not get any words out but it was like he knew that I acknowledged and I felt that I was going to be alright. A burden, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
The doctor walked out and in walked in 2 nurses, it was go time. They wheeled me into theatre I was given anaesthetic and I was out cold.
Waking up I was shaking and crying yet again but I was reassured everything went well and my husband was on his way to pick me up.
20 minutes later my husband arrived and was able to help me get dressed and get ready for home. Whilst they prepared my paperwork for discharge, I went to the nurse’s station to ask if I could speak to the doctor who entered my cubicle just before the procedure. They looked at me with confusion, they had no idea what I was talking about. I told them before being taken into theatre I was visited by a male doctor and he was so lovely and I wanted to extend my thanks for getting me through that. The nurse explained that the only male doctors that saw me before theatre was my OBGYN and the anaesthetist. NO ONE else entered my cubicle. Confused I walked away and waited to be discharged. I now know this was an Angel that stepped in, it was such a profound experience when I think about it now, I can still feel the peace, calm and knowing that I felt back then...that everything was going to be alright and indeed, it was.
Emilia x